Sunday, August 07, 2005

Reporting Day

It was a typical reporting day...always a few who don't make it. This year it was Zack Snider (attending a wedding), Vickiel Vaughn (family obligations) and Jamaal Anderson (bad car alternator). Is it me, or does it always seem like every year that somebody's car breaks down? Where's Steve Landers or Bob Carver when you need them?

Nate Allen's already bringing up the quarterback race. Sounds like Robert Johnson's voice has dropped a few octaves, so now he must be ready to be a SEC QB. Couldn't that just be puberty kicking in, Nate? But the whole "I'm 85% right now and full speed by Sept. 3rd" thing is a little ominous sounding to me. Let's just hope he's 100% by Vanderbilt on September 10th.

Bob Holt: Making themselves at home
Mike Capshaw: Hogs Unify During Summer Workouts
Clay Henry: Hog Gridders Report (subscription)

Finally, as usual, Wally Hall is writing about anything other than things people want to read. softball to write about today, Wally? Can someone please tell him Razorback football practice starts tomorrow?


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