So Here We Go...

So you may be asking:
What the heck am I thinking? My life is crazy busy and now I'm adding even more to it? Oh well, with Razorback football practice starting tomorrow, I guess it's now or never.
What the heck is a blog? See here.
Who the heck is TipsterHog? I guess I'll fill you in as we go. Until then, here's my profile.
Why the heck should I read this blog? Well...that's up to you of course. Hopefully, you'll find it a useful compliment to the existing web sites you read (like Hawgs Illustrated and WholeHogSports) and talk radio shows you listen to (like Sports Rap and Press Row). The difference is that this is a fan blog...written by Hog fans...and, hopefully, read by Hog fans.
Are you making money with this blog? No ad money. No paid opinions. No plans to do either in the future.
Will there be opinion on this blog? Absolutely. Maybe not enough for some...maybe more than what others want to stomach. Either way, a blog is by definition a personal log and I see this medium as a way for me (and hopefully a team of fans that I want to recruit) to express my (our) opinions. That said, the comments area will always be open to your opinions in return.
So here we the best of my knowledge, the first Arkansas Razorbacks fan blog on the Internet. Who knows...this blog might live for years to come...or for a week. We'll see...
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