HogBlogger and I want to extend to all of our readers a very Merry Christmas. We've had a lot of fun these past four and half months following the Razorbacks with you. (Although a few more wins would've been nice!)
I know for many of us, it's at this time of year when we all think the most about our blessings. I'll have the good fortune of spending the day with my family here in Northwest Arkansas. And HogBlogger is blessed to be able to do the same as well.
We know several of our readers are members of the armed forces stationed in-country and overseas. To you, we want say again how appreciative we all are for your efforts and your sacrifice. It can never be said enough...please stay safe.
And finally, I was reminded of blessings again tonight when I read about how Razorback legend Joe Ferguson is doing. (Thanks to Hoginstein for the link.)
As many of you know, Joe has been fighting cancer for some time now. I know I speak for everyone when I say how hopeful we are that Joe and his family have received the ultimate blessing this Christmas of a full and complete recovery.
Merry Christmas everyone.
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