Friday, October 07, 2005

Mentality vs. Insanity

The Tipster bringing up Einstein and insanity reminded me of yesterday's AP article on Charlie Weis, current coach at Notre Dame and recently of the New England Patriots and their 3 Super Bowl wins.

So how did a guy considered an offensive coach learn under two coaches generally considered defensive coaches? By taking what they do and switching it over to offense, such as game-planning around an opponent’s weaknesses and making substantial changes in how a team looks week to week. Weis might load up heavily on pass plays one week, then depend on the run the next.

"So if they start practicing against what you did last week, you’re not doing what you did last week,” Weis said. "That's one of the biggest problems going against this mentality."
The key word is "mentality."

If thinking such as Charlie Weis is expressing ever occured to Houston Dale it got lonely and died. The truth is we haven't had a passing game since Joe Ferguson left and Danny Ford's offensive recruits were gone.


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